Sunday, May 18, 2008

Right way to make good decisions

'Good decisions are made by gut feeling'

'Good decisions are made by thorough analysis of the problem and consequences of each decision made'

There has been war between the two thoughts. Both make sense. In the book 'Blink', Malcom Gladwell makes a compelling argument to make decisions through gut feeling; he proves that gut feeling is a decision actually made by inner mind which has processed all the data over the years. The first gut feeling is right, but once you try to rationalize your gut feeling, your inner mind cannot give you all the details that it used to make the decision.

Game theory argues otherwise, that you have to have a flow chart of the decision alternatives and their consequences.

Now there seems to be a consensus, at least for me. Usually you won't be pressed to take a decision through gut feeling or you would not have time to do a thorough analysis. Here is the right way to make decision - put the problem at the back of your mind for a couple of days. Do not conciously think about the problem, let your inner brain work on it. The best decision is what your gut/first feeling says after those two days.

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